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The establishment of a long-term mechanism, apart from the "intractable disease" of the pipe industry



After the issue of milk powder, the old problems of pipeline industry & mdash; & ndash; & ndash; Quality problem once again become a pipeline industry hot topic, some even will this newspaper had published an article "pipeline industry into the high-risk period quality disaster", change to the who is in the pipe industry & other sanlu & throughout;?" The title was posted online to attract more attention to the issue of the pipe industry. To this, a lot of the personage inside course of study thinks, the related management department only draw lessons from the question powdered milk event, coordinate system, such as construction quality supervision, industry and commerce and the relevant functional departments, to form a long-term mechanism to supervise and inspect the pipe product quality, can be solved in the existing market conditions of pipeline industry quality & other; Stubborn & throughout; .


Pipe version & other; Melamine & rdquo; Hybrid pipeline industry

Problem milk powder incident, make people feel infinite sad at the same time, clearly see the vulnerability of dairy industry product quality supervision system, and who is familiar with the pipeline industry know: in the pipeline industry, the same vulnerabilities exist.

In the case of milk powder, some dairy farmers add melamine to the milk, and in the pipeline industry, similar behavior is already an open secret. This newspaper has reported that in the pipeline industry, the most notorious counterfeiting was the indiscriminate addition of calcium carbonate to the raw materials of PVC pipes. The records of PVC pipe processing enterprises, especially PVC drainage pipe processing enterprises, are constantly being broken down: 20, 30, 50 and 60, and recently I heard that there is a company. Throughout the development &; Can add 80 calcium carbonate production process! Today, PVC sewer pipe processing enterprises are adding calcium carbonate, because of another class of plastic pipe enterprises. & ndash; PE pipeline enterprises in raw materials & ldquo; Big & throughout; And eclipsed. Compared with the above, the processing behavior of PE pipe enterprises has been relatively standard. This is mainly because of the two major applications of PE pipeline products. & ndash; Gas and water supply industry in PE pipes are confined requirements, this kind of pipe products once appear quality accident, the consequences than no pressure on the requirements of the quality of PVC pipes because the consequences caused by the more serious accident & ndash; & ndash; This is partly to remove the idea that some pipeline enterprises have their hands and feet in the raw material of PE pipes. But as PE prices have been rising for some time, individual PE pipeline processors have started to add clutter to their raw materials. It is incredible that individual companies have added the materials used to make plastic bottles to PE feeders. In fact, the plastic pipe industry, rigged in raw materials, PVC pipes were not enough processing enterprises and PE water supply pipeline processing enterprises, some PPR pipe processing enterprises as early as a few years ago began to substitute stealthily in the raw material, big rig.

It is regrettable that due to the loopholes in the quality supervision of the pipeline industry, it has become the quality of building materials. Worst-hit areas throughout the &; The pipeline area, almost every year & ldquo; Calamity & throughout; And there is no loss of momentum.


The system of quality supervision system is difficult to treat. Stubborn & throughout;

Plastic pipe industry this outrageous fraud not only makes a lot of unqualified products to market, to the construction site, which brings to the construction quality great potential safety hazard, and interfere with the normal competition order in the plastic pipe industry, is not conducive to good pipeline enterprises play the role of mainstay and then push the plastic pipe industry to do fine and stronger. This market environment has been so bad for the pipeline industry that they are increasingly dissatisfied with the quality supervision department that oversees the quality responsibility of the pipeline products. In particular, some of the plastic pipe enterprises which are exempted from inspection by the state are not only not valued. National exemption from inspection & rdquo; Honor, and with & ldquo; National exemption from inspection & rdquo; The ugly phenomenon has exacerbated the discontent of the good companies, which have been used to reduce the quality standard and impact the market with inferior products. After the first batch of products in the plastics pipeline industry was approved by the state in 2004, the pipeline industry has been in succession. Products exempted from inspection. An event that has been disqualified. These are supposed to be benchmarking in the industry. Exemption from inspection. The bad behavior of the original chaotic market order further deteriorated. The recent issue of milk powder has naturally opened up a new breakthrough for good pipeline companies. Many companies say: the quality supervision department should be painful, like the elimination of the food industry exemption system, the elimination of the pipeline industry's exemption identification system.

However, more pipeline companies understand that it is only an emotional catharsis to blame the quality supervision department for the chaos of the pipeline market disorder. Because, even if cancelled the inspection-free system, even if the system of quality control within the scope of their duties to block all pipe products quality supervision loophole, how can you ensure that pipeline enterprise quality supervision department in the field of circulation field and application not cheated? Therefore, the proliferation of substandard pipe products should not be shirked by the competent departments of industrial and commercial departments and applications, except for the responsibility of the quality supervision system. In fact, the purification pipeline market environment, maintain the market order of practice, many companies are strongly to local industrial and commercial departments intensify law enforcement inspection, but told the local departments of industry and commerce enterprise: due to the limitation of money and energy, they can only put the effective resources to involve people life safety of food and drink industry. Such an answer would not satisfy the pipe business. Moreover, the industrial and commercial departments to the market circulation of the pipe products inspection, also appears to have some institutional deficiencies. The reporter has made statistics on the list of substandard pipe products in the city's market for three consecutive years, and found that some pipeline enterprises have appeared in two consecutive times in a year. Throughout unqualified &; The list of products. However, a large number of inferior products have entered the application field, indicating that the competent departments in the field of application are equally responsible.

As a result, the personage inside course of study thinks, purification of tubing markets need to national related departments in question powdered milk event, on the basis of this, led to the production, circulation and application field of relevant administrative departments to coordinate, and then establishes a set of mature and perfect the supervision mechanism.